Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Creativity during COVID-19

 It has been years since I posted anything to this blog's main page. (I have added to subpages though.)  Life has changed dearly for me in the last 7 years.  From teaching to being disabled, engaged to single, the death of loved ones to the rise of new friendships, the world is full of new experiences.  However, the one constant I have had is the desire to produce creative works.  Now, with the prolonged self-imposed isolation due to COVID-19, I have a new-found passion for art.

I have written a book in Latin, taught homeschool art to my niece and nephew, sketched, doodled, photographed, cooked new dishes, and composed poetry.  Why do we feel the need to create, especially when the world around us seems to be chaotic?  Artistic endeavors allow us to delve into a world entirely of our own making.  It is the one thing we can control.  

At the end of 2019, I created a Bullet Journal for the new year.  I meticulously planned, counted, drew layouts, and decorated my journal with the hope of taming the unknown.  However, once COVID-19 hit in March, I have not opened it once.  Resistance seemed futile.  With the beginning of the school year, my interest in creativity rejuvenated.  For those of us whose year begins in September, it seems like the optimal time to renew passions and perfect practice as much as possible.

That being said, I will now begin the preparations for a Do-over Bullet Journal.  I am using the time left to refresh supplies, plan pages and lists, gather necessary information,  rethink my goals, and most importantly, CREATE.  I would like to encourage all of those who have stagnated during this epidemic to join me in this creative rejuvenation.  Please follow my creative processes for the BuJo on the respective page to the left of this post.

May you find the strength to return to creativity!


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